If you run out of gas for any reason a complete leak test must be performed on your system prior to turning the tank(s) back on.
There is a $40.00 charge for this test. Additional charges may apply if you are not home at the time of delivery and we need to return. This test is not only a company policy, it is stated in the National Fuel Gas Code. There are no exceptions. It is for your safety. It is the only way for us to know that your system does not have a leak.
Each time your tank runs out a leak test must be performed and we must be able to access all propane fired equipment. If you are not present or we can not gain access, then the tanks will be shut off. A notice will be attached to your door and on the tank(s) stating you were out and that the tank(s) are shut off. You must call us to have us return to perform a leak test and relight any pilots.