For your convenience, we offer a variety of fuel delivery and payment plans. Details of these plans are below, as is our delivery schedule by location.

Delivery Schedule

All delivery orders must be received at least 24 hrs in advance for timely service.

Monday – Friday

Village of Stamford

Monday & Thursday

Jefferson, N. Harpersfield, Charlotteville, Summit

Tuesday & Friday

Hobart,  Bloomville,  S. Kortright,  Gilboa,  Connesville,   Grand Gorge,  Roxbury,  Prattsville,  N. Blenheim, (Delhi -Friday only)


Harpersfield, N. Kortright, E. Meredith, Meridale, Davenport, Davenport Center, Southside Oneonta

Delivery and Payment Plans

For your convenience, we offer the following fuel oil and propane delivery and payment plans.


fuel oil and propane delivery and payment plans

Will Call Plan

We offer call in service for your fuel deliveries. This option allows you to call for your delivery when you need it, however, over the course of the year this is the most expensive way to buy your fuel. Avoid the possible cost of repairs or fees due to running out of fuel, or an unscheduled delivery.


Automatic Delivery and Payment Plan

We offer automatic delivery for our customers. We will deliver your fuel to your home or business according to a degree-day system. With this service you won’t have to keep track of the fuel in your tank, we will. This service is free!


Budget Plan

Avoid paying higher heating bills in the winter months by signing up on our budget plan. Our budget plan will divide you annual heating or hot water cost into equal payments based on an average market price, and your previous years fuel use. Your budget allows you to receive the “cash” discount for the day or your delivery, and gives you a predetermined “capped” price for your fuel, so you know you will never pay a higher price. This plan does not give you a locked in price. This plan is for our automatic customers only. Budgets are 10 months beginning July 1st.


Pre-Payment Capped Plan

By signing up for this pre-payment plan, you will purchase your annual fuel usage up front for the season. Participating in this program gives you a pre-determined price cap and be guaranteed to never pay more. If the price happens to go lower than your prepaid price the day of your delivery, you will automatically receive it at the lower price. This plan allows you to pay  for your fuel at the beginning of the heating season assuring you the lowest capped price. This plan is for our automatic customers only and starts September 1st.


Pre-Payment Fixed Plan

Signing up for this program, you will purchase your annual fuel usage up front for the season at a lower rate than our capped plan. This will allow you to have a pre-determined fixed price that remains the same throughout the season. Your price per gallon does not go up or down. This plan is for automatic customers only and starts September 1st.